Our Uniform
School Uniform
The governors and staff feel strongly that the wearing of uniform encourages a sense of belonging and community spirit and also helps develop the right attitude to a child’s work and progress.
Below is the information on our uniform.
Book bags for KS1 are available to purchase via Parentmail. Please contact the school office for more information.
School Uniform Information
The uniform items that specifically need to be bought from C&D Uniform shop can be found on the link below. The other items can be bought at the shop of your choice.
Jewellery is not appropriate for school wear. Pupils with pierced ears may wear small studs but these need to be removed for PE. If a child is unable to remove their earrings due to initial healing time, micropore tape (or equivalent) needs to be provided for the child to cover their earrings. After consultation with the Headteacher, where deemed appropriate, religious jewellery may be worn.
KS2 children may wear a small watch. Watches which make calls, take videos or photos are not permitted.
Lost Property
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly and permanently marked with your child’s name.
We do not keep a ‘lost property box’ but try to return unclaimed items as soon as possible to their owners – this is only possible if there are names on the items. Unclaimed items are eventually thrown away or given to the PTA for recycling.
School Uniform
All of our school uniform is a requirement, underlined items are where you have an option available.
Reception Class
Plain white polo shirt
Grey pinafore/Grey Skirt
Plain navy blue jogging bottoms
Grey or navy tights / grey, navy or white socks
School V-necked sweater with logo (C&D)
Black shoes
Grey pinafore or skirt
Dark grey trousers
Plain white polo shirt
Grey or navy tights / grey, navy or white socks
Black shoes
School V-necked sweater with logo (C&D)
Grey pinafore or skirt
Dark grey trousers
Plain white shirt (not blouse)
School tie (C&D)
Grey or navy tights / grey, navy or white socks
Black shoes
School V-necked sweater with school logo (C&D)
Reception Class
Mid-blue and white small checked gingham summer dress
Plain white polo shirt
Plain navy jogging bottoms or shorts
Grey, navy or white socks
Black shoes
School V-necked sweater with school logo (C&D)
Mid-blue and white small checked gingham summer dress
Dark grey shorts or trousers
Grey pinafore or skirt
Plain white polo shirt
School V-necked sweater with logo (C&D)
White, navy or grey socks
Black shoes (no sandals)
Mid-blue and white small checked gingham summer dress or Grey pinafore/skirt
Dark grey shorts or trousers
Plain white shirt (not blouse)
School tie (C&D)
School V-necked sweater with logo (C&D)
White, navy or grey socks
Black shoes (no sandals)
PE Kit
School logo PE top (C&D)
School Hoody (C&D)
Navy shorts
Plain navy jogging bottoms (for winter)
More Information can be found it our School Uniform Guide
Available 2nd Hand Uniform
There is the 2nd Hand Uniform available from the Friends of St Mary's.
If you see anything you would like, please request it by e-mailing Friends Of St Mary’s on friendsofstmarysipswich@gmail.com Please include your child’s name and school year.
Any donations of uniform would be very gratefully received – just send them in to school with your child for the attention of The Office