Our Governors
Welcome to the Governors section of the School Website.
As of January 2018 St Mary's became a member of our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Multi-Academy Trust. The structure and committees of our Governing Body reflect the structure of the Trust Board. The school has two committees of the Trust Board which both meet termly - Resources and Teaching, Learning & Standards.
Contact us via the school by e-mail: admin@st-marys-ipswich.suffolk.sch.uk or in writing in an envelope addressed to a named Governor.
There are different types of Governors. Foundation Governors are appointed by the Bishop and are always in the majority in a Voluntary Aided school. Parent Governors are elected. Staff Governors represent the interests of the people employed by the school.
Report of Governors Strategy Day
The School Governing Body held their first Governors' Strategy Day on 25th September and I am pleased to report that this was a positive day for both the Governors and the school leadership team. Below gives an overview of the reason strategy days are held and the benefits outcomes from our first one.
Governor Strategy Days are now held termly and are designed to provide a number of benefits, including; Giving Governors the training needed to fulfil their roles appropriately, an opportunity to better understand school life, a chance to focus on specific school issues and to provide feedback to the leadership team. The focus of the September Strategy Day was 'behaviour'.
The September strategy day was a positive experience and School Governors were able to observe the children being taught in class and also at lunch time. (Where we joined the children in eating the school meal - pasta with veg, which was nutritious and tasty).
Overall we were delighted to see an impressive level of behaviour across all year groups. It was clear that all teachers had control of their class and this meant that during our visit every child was engaged in learning. There were a number of behavioural management techniques evident which were age appropriate and based upon positive reinforcement rather than punishment. We observed little low level disruptive behaviour but when this did occur it was quickly dealt with. Focus groups with pupils from all year groups were undertaken to gain an understanding of the effects of behaviour on others and this was a helpful insight into a number of issues. Pupils expressed a good understanding of how to report behaviour that they felt was disruptive and felt sure that teachers would deal with it.
We were impressed with the general level of behaviour and to the extent with which training undertaken by teachers during recent PD days was reflected in teaching across the school. A full report on behaviour was provided to Mrs Berry at the end of the day.
Kevin Reilly
The Governing Body
Name of Governor |
Type |
Appointed by |
Start of Term of Office |
End of Term of Office |
Extra Area of responsibility |
Angela Bull (Chair) |
Foundation |
The Diocese
31/05/2027 |
Safeguarding & SEND Statutory Safeguarding Prevent Policy oversight Staff workload & well being Governance arrangements Health & Safety Admissions and Trust engagement Behaviours & Attitudes Analysis of and response to pupils behaviour overtime. Learning behaviours |
Paul Phillips (Vice Chair) |
Foundation |
The Diocese
31/10/2027 |
Personal Development PSHE RSE Behaviours & Attitudes Analysis of and response to pupils behaviour overtime. Learning behaviours |
Fr Jude Belnas |
Foundation |
The Diocese |
01/12/2022 |
30/11/2026 |
Quality of education Catholic Life Subject Lead Support Behaviours & Attitudes Analysis of and response to pupils behaviour overtime. Learning behaviours |
Dr Eugene Ogbodo |
Foundation |
The Diocese |
01/03/2022 |
28/02/2026 |
Quality of education Science |
Collette Duhamel-Newton |
Staff |
Staff Nominated |
01/09/2019 |
31/08/2026 |
Maureen Haaker |
Parent |
Parent Nominated
01/12/2023 |
01/12/2026 |
SEND Behaviours & Attitudes Analysis of and response to pupils behaviour overime. Learning behaviours |
Mark Coventry |
Parent |
01/12/2023 |
01/12/2026 |
EYFS Maths Behaviours & Attitudes Analysis of and response to pupils behaviour overtime. Learning behaviours |
Josephine Measham |
Headteacher |
Joanne Berry |
Headteacher |
Governors who have previously served in the past 12 months:
Name Date end of term of office
Jill Sandvig 31.08.2024
Kevin Reilly 31.12.2023
Elizabeth Buttigieg 06.10.2023
Associate Members:
No voting rights are currently held by the associate members.
Pecuniary Interests
A pecuniary interest is where a Governor or member of staff has a financial interest in a third party business that the school uses or may use it in the future which could conflict with the policies, procedures or ethos of the school.
Pecuniary interests are declared annually in the Autumn Term, and at any point during the year if changes occur.
Pecuniary interests declared for Autumn 2024 - Summer 2025
Patricia Crabb - St Mary's Preschool Business Manager
Joseph Hurd - Sports Teacher at St John's Primary School
Governors Attendance at Meetings
Governors have excellent attendance at all meetings. We have never cancelled a meeting because it was not “quorate” (the number of governors needed to ensure that legal decisions can be made).
Autumn 2023
Teaching, Learning and Standards
6 pm Via Google 3.10.2023 |
5.30 pm in School 28.11.2023 |
Jo Berry |
Y |
Y |
Maureen Haaker |
-- | Y |
Mark Coventry |
-- | Y |
Collette Duhamel-Newton |
Y |
Y |
Jo Measham |
Y |
Y |
Angela Bull (Chair) |
Y |
Y |
Paul Phillips |
Y |
Y |
Father Jude Belnas |
- Aps (not sent) |
Aps (not sent) |
Jill Sandvig |
Y | Y |
Eugene Ogbodo |
Aps (not sent) | Aps (not sent) |
Clare Clarke |
Y |
- - |
Patricia Crabb (OM) Clerk |
Y | Y |
- Chair - Angela Bull from January 2024
- Clerk - Patricia Crabb - Office Manager from January 2024
Attendance Meetings 2023-2024
Spring 2024
Autumn 2023
Attendance Meetings 2022-2023
Summer 2023
Spring 2023
Autumn 2022
Attendance Meetings 2021-2022
Summer 2022
Spring 2022
Autumn 2021
Attendance Meetings 2020-2021
Summer 2021
Spring 2021
Autumn 2020
Attendance Meetings 2019-2020
Summer 2020
- Due to Covid 19 no minutes available